Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite Foods

You, the reader, may have been wondering, "What do apricots eat?"  While I can't speak for apricots in general, I CAN tell you what Happy Apricots eat.  Mostly, they just drink water - flavored water if they can find it (mint-water is Silas's favorite; spinach-water is Avery's favorite).  But they eat things like seeds and leaves, too.  Nora likes dandelion seeds a lot.  They're so light and fluffy. Silas likes sunflower seeds.  Avery's favorite food, besides spinach, is honeysuckle.  Well, that's all I know so far. 
You may also have been wondering HOW Apricots eat.  That I can't tell you.  I only know that they do.  And that they like it.  But the how of it is a secret that they would prefer remain a mystery.  Or a mystery they want to remain a secret.  One or the other.
In any case, they DO eat, and they DO have favorite foods.  I haven't found out about all of them yet, but I have told you what I can.  And that is that.
Time to go have some food...

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