Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How It Began

It began with a hallucination.  Really!  I've had similar experiences before - lots of people do, actually, they just call them other things (dreams, visions, memories, etc.).  However, this one was a bit more... visual... than usual.  What I saw was a book - a children's book called "Happy Apricots," complete with a picture of two smiling apricots on the cover.  It looked a little old-fashioned, like the artwork in "The Little Engine That Could."  After I got over the shock of it being GONE when I looked away and then looked back, I said to myself, "This is a story worth telling."  But then I couldn't think of just one story to tell, and the story I did start was boring even to me.  What, a family of apricots?  What are they doing, performing at Disneyland?  Is that why they're happy?  No, no, this would NOT do.  And so began this blog.  It's like a day-to-day, week-to-week story of the apricots - I don't know yet how often I'll be adding to it, but the point is that I'm not limiting myself to just ONE story.  I'm going to follow the "lives" of three apricots (to begin with) and see what happens with them and how their characters develop!  This is simply an avenue for me to exercise my imagination AND my writing muscles.  Oh, and I'm also not limiting this solely to the apricots.  If I come across something (an inspirational quote, say) that is meaningful to me or someone in my life, it just may end up on here (there will be a separate page for this).  Happy reading, and Happy Apricots!

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